News from Raisio
Raisiota muutos kouraisee erityisesti Britanniassa, joka on ollut vahva aamiaismurojen valtakunta. Raisio ratkaisi ongelmaa niin, että se lisensoi Honey Monster -murojen myynnin ja markkinoinnin Brecksille. Honey Monster -murobrändi oli Britanniassa ...
Kommentti: Kansa hylkii sokeria, mutta suola onkin kinkkinen juttu
McCormick & Co. this week walked away from the negotiating table, ending its interest in UK group Premier Foods plc. Raisio, the Finnish food maker, after feeling the pressure in the UK breakfast cereal sector, handed the licence to Honey Monster and ...
Food industry news of the week - McCormick ends interest in Premier, Mars <b>...</b>
Raisio is known for its innovations including the cholesterol-lowering Benecol. Raisio's main products include breakfast, snack and baking products, the ingredient of plant stanol ester in Benecol products as well as the Benecol range, confectionery ...
Honey Monster sold under licence to Brecks Co
Brecks, the UK cereals and meat-free supplier, believes the Honey Monster and Good Grain brands can enjoy growth in the country, where the business has attained the licence to the products from Finland's Raisio. "Honey Monster Puffs and Good Grain are ...
Brecks talks up Honey Monster, Good Grain
Finnish business Raisio, which will continue to sell Harvest Cheweee snack bars and cholesterol-lowering Benecol products in the UK, said the license agreement would not have a significant impact on group earnings. The business would continue to focus ...
New mummy for Honey Monster: <b>Raisio</b> licenses brand to The Brecks Company
Raisio to license the Honey Monster brand to Brecks. * License agreement does not have a significant impact on Raisio Group's earnings. * Brecks' product range includes a selection of cereals that company produces at its two UK-based factories ...
Photos from Raisio
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Ouran Maatilamajoitus Ouran Maatilamajoitus
Nurmitie 76
63300 Alavus
Tohninmäen Talo Tohninmäen Talo
Tohninmäentie 481
63600 Töysä
Kuortane Sports Hotel Kuortane Sports Hotel
Opistotie 1
63100 Kuortane