News from Inkoo
Jeremy Saulnier's Green Room is an impeccably crafted cinematic torture machine -- in the best possible way. The premise will make some cringe, while making others giddy: A punk band, trapped in a club in the middle of nowhere, has to fight off a bunch ...
EXCLUSIVE: As part of Dan Fierman's ongoing revamp of MTV News, MTV has tapped Village Voice TV critic Inkoo Kang as Lead Television Critic for MTV News. Kang will assume her new role beginning March 7, and will contribute film reviews, profiles, ...
MTV News Names Village Voice&#39;s <b>Inkoo</b> Kang As Lead TV Critic
Today is Inkoo Kang's last day at Women and Hollywood. Our current Managing Editor is moving on to an amazing new gig as Lead Television Critic for MTV News. We're thrilled about Inkoo's well-deserved opportunity, but we're going to miss her dearly.
In Appreciation of <b>Inkoo</b> Kang
The Bechdel Test is a vastly imperfect tool for gauging a film's feminism and gender progressivism. And yet we couldn't help cheering when four movie theaters in famously egalitarian Sweden announced back in 2013 that they would provide an "A" rating ...
<b>Inkoo</b> Kang Ellen Tejle, holding up the seal that indicates that a film passes <b>...</b>
Miljöchefen i Ingå Patrik Skult tycker att Fortum ska få muddra men att muddringen ska utföras på hösten utanför fiskarnas lektid. Kolkraftverket i Ingå stängde för två år sedan. I grannskapet finns bland annat Ingå hamn som drivs av företaget Inkoo ...
Fortum vill muddra i kolkraftverkets hamn i Ingå
The one-time items largely due to Fortum's two coal-fired power plants in Finland: Inkoo power plant and Meri-Pori power plant. The demand for coal condensing power in the Nordic power market has decreased as a result of the drop in the wholesale price ...
Westerby Gård Westerby Gård
Västerbyvägen 95
10210 Ingå
Svartå Manor Svartå Manor
Hållsnäsvägen 89
10360 Mustio
Lylyinen Manor Lylyinen Manor
Lylyrannantie 21
08450 Lohja